
Monday 9 November 2015

Hello Exam

Annyeonghaseyo, oh guys I miss how I tell to you what happend to me.
So many stories, from something that I love, I hate and I miss so much.
Begin from my routin activities, yup it' s just the beginning. I'm really thankful Allah give me change to feel, work, think, ets in this faculty. Hi exam I must love you as long as my life !
Become a university again, yeah I feel that but in the different major. Both of them I love  but this faculty is my fav.
So sorry, ceritanya bakalan lompat-lompat. Tp intinya cuma lewat blogger ini bisa curhat ttg apapun tnpa trlalu khawatir ganggu orang.
Jadi gini, menjalani kuliah sebagai anak kesehatan itu menyenangkan, yeah  😄😆😅. Tp namanya baru msh nano-nano rasanya. Mulai dr semangat bgt buat belajar smpe penyakit males it lewat. Kalau udh males nyebelin bgt pokoknya. Doanya semoga kuliahnya lancar buat kalian2 juga guys😘. Uang kuliah lancar, badan sehat, hati senang, ibadah lancar. Aamin

Wednesday 2 September 2015


Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena berkat rahmat-Nya, I can be part of UMY. After a busy week, ehm very busy maybe 😁, yesterday we completed mataf event. Special thanks for my beloved mom and family without them I'm not here. Thanks to our lovely senior from Pharmacy Departement 2014, kak Maya Triani, and other seniors ofcourse. It weren't easy guys, many task from vertex, we must try to find the meaning what they said. But I'm happy, thank you so much to vertexs who are actually kind and humbel peoples but they must acted to be horrifed person to educate us. May Allah SWT pay all of your hard work. Aamin.
Semoga buat maba-maba jd semakin kompak, kuliah yang bener, lulus tepat waktu biar bisa liat senyum orang tua kita lebih lebar 😍. Hope you all happiness, good health, many money hehe to come everyday. Aamin

Saturday 22 August 2015

Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Annyeonghaseo 😊
Feeling homesick is bad when you must stay long, I am lucky I have friends that know me so mean. So, yesterday my friends went to my house. There were 2 girls and 1 boy. They decided to accompany me buying lot of stuff hehe. But because this is Yogya, let's hang out first. Our destination was Taman Sari. It wasn't far from Malioboro like I thougt first. The ticket price only Rp. 5000. I don't know although we just walked around and take selfie 😆, I felt so happy, I was free just enjoy my trip. Maybe because of the cheerfulness from my beloved mba Amrina, mb Umi, and Bayu. I don't know when will we hang out again. But we hope we can explore Yogya someday with many more friends 👫👬👭👯💁👌👌👌 Aamin

Saturday 15 August 2015

Oseng - Oseng Mercon

Anyeonghaseyo oeni, oppa, chingu😉
On this satnite, I'm still feeling nano nano 😁
This morning I got new friends, so fun. Mulai dr ditusuk jarum smpe menghilangkan rasa takut diwawancara, tasting many kind of food, meet up new seniors from my city.
Let me introduce you to this spesial food
Oseng-Oseng Mercon, there's no spicy level so this is crazy guys. PEDESS BGTSSS. You must try it especially for spicy lovers, but I give up guys, pedes level ak aja ngk smpe segituhnya. So grab yours soon in Yogya city.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Eid Greeting

Papa says, "Happy Eid al-Fitri 1436 H".
We are really completely sorry for all the mistakes. Let's forgive each other and has blessed Lebaran everyone ♡

Friday 10 July 2015

Life Quote : Big Dreams Little Efforts

Hey guys, again I repost life quote. I don't make by myself. I'm lucky I read this quote, Alhamdulilah. To remind each other I repost for you. Don't worry I have permittion and for more life quote u can follow @islam_stagram
Have a nice day guys, happy fasting 😇😊


Mistakes :
• 1. Procrastination and Laziness.
“Procrastination is the thief of time” – indeed it is! Many times we put things off because we’re tired or just don’t feel like it. However, the only time for 'doing' is NOW! Time is an Amaanah from Allah, so use it wisely! Laziness is an unbecoming characteristic of a Muslim – rid yourself of it.

• 2. Ingratitude to Allah
Do we thank Allah everyday? Unproductive people are so focused on the things they desire that they overlook the bounties that He has bestowed upon them.

• 3. A dwindling desire to seek knowledge
It is the responsibility of a Muslim to seek beneficial knowledge, “And say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge” [20:114]. Once people lose their desire to learn new things, the battle is as good as lost.

• 4. “I wish I may, I wish I might”
Waiting for change with no effort is a futile exercise. To break this vicious cycle, you need to do things differently. Nothing will change unless YOU do! “Truly, Allah does not change the condition of a person until they change what is in themselves” [13:11].

• 5. Holding on to regrets
Let it go! “And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself, but then seeks forgiveness from Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful” [4:110]. The past is over and Allah does not want you to dwell in it. Pick yourself up and keep moving.

• 6. Purpose
Many unproductives wander aimlessly through life, without the slightest inclination of what their purpose on this earth is. Your challenge is to find that purpose. Don’t waste precious moments on trivialities, rather seek out things that will earn you the pleasure of Allah.

• 7. Fear of hard work
There are no shortcuts on the road to success. Man must work hard in order to achieve success, both in Dunya and Aakhira – “There is nothing for man but what he strives for” [53:39]. I hope these words will inspire both me & you to make the changes necessary in our lives, Insha’Allah.

Repost : @islam_stagram

Thursday 9 July 2015

Eating : Ramen

Last saturday I'm lucky I can taste Gokana Ramen in Blok M Plaza Jakarta. The foods is delicious. I must say thanks for my lovely mb Ita who treat me. Alhamdulilah

Have a nice day everyone 😇

Fly and Do the Best

Have a nice flight with one of the best airlines in the world. So happy there is my   uwik beside me. Alhamdulilah, Allah give me a change. Today, again and again my fav faculty say no for me. I haven't good enough. This problem is not as big as other has. I'm still lukcy I have my strong oemma, She support what I want. Oemma Aboeji I just want make both of u proud of me. Let me try my best once again, in my last change.  I want become univ student this year, graduate as soon as possible, work and can buy anything you want. Please pray for me ma pa, mba loves you so much no mather we don't say everytimes ♡♡♡
Don't be sad guys, life must go on. I hope the best for all of us. May Allah always grant us with good health, good heart to do everything good. Amin

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Live is not Flat Guys

Assalamu'alaikum guys
it's june 25th 2015
my feeling is not really well now
something I don't want happened yesterday, and it make me little bit upset.
(Full of upset) i can't pretend. But I'm the lucky one read quotes from ig. It remind me.
Live is not flat, every single time that we get we must be thankful. So keep fighting and moving forward for the next. For you I repost it, don't worry the admin is so kind and let me repost what I want.
May Our day are more wonderful, no more tears again ya dears.

#Repost @islam_stagram
Don't worry. Allah got you. 😉 When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Just Remember Allah is The Merciful .

When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Just Remember
Through the darkness, Allah is The Light.

When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Just Remember
It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.

When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Just Remember, that Allah will care .

When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Just Remember, Allah relieves it all.

When you are weak
And the road seems long
Just Remember, Seek strength from The Strong.

When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Just Remember, Allah is The Able.

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Just Remember, Allah is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Just Remember, Allah is always ready to hear.

When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Just Remember, Allah is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Just Remember,
You can always run to The One.

When you r all alone
And your pain has no end
Just Remember, Allah is the only one you can depend.

And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Just Remember, Allah is really here

#alhamdulillah  #muslim #muslimah #hijabi #deeds #Islam #love #deen #god #religion #hijab #dua #pray #prayer #islamic #islamquote #faith #iman #Allah #lifequote #quran #sunnah #god

Friday 17 April 2015

Laugh It Up : The Perfect Woman

picture :google

A man asked his friend why he never married. The friend replied. "Well, I guess I just never met the right woman.... I quess I've been looking for the perfect girl.". "Oh, come on now,"said the first man."Surely you have met at least one girl that you wanted to marry." Yes, there was one girl.. once . I guess she was the one perfect girl. The only perfect girl  I really ever met. She was just the right everything... I really mean that she was the perfect girl for me." " Well, Why  didn't you marry her?" asked the other/ "She was looking for the perfect man." his friend answered.

source : C'nS English Teen Magazine Vol.14

Monday 16 March 2015


Alhamdulilah finally I have finished this video, check it out guys :)

Sunday 8 March 2015

Kiat Menghindari Kesulitan Belajar

Annyeonghaseo, I'm blogging at midnight althought tomorrow I must begin something important early. Hoho, when I was in my uncle's house, I found an interesting book, for you I give a litte summary. Hope can be useful ya:)
Kiat Menghindari Kesulitan Belajar
Drs. Syaifuk Bahri
Rahasia Sukes Belajar
Rineka Cipta, cet I, 2002, Banjarmasin.

- Tentukan tujuan belajar
- Kenali sistem ingat
- Kenali rentang konsentrasi
- Kenali tipe belajar sendiri 
  • belajar dengan suara,
  • belajar tanpa suara, 
  • belajar lewat kata hati,
  • belajar dengan gerakan mata
- Kenali sifat buku
mudah, sedang atau sukar untuk dibaca, karena dengan pengenalan terhadap sifat buku   yang akan dibaca lebih banyak membantu efektivitas dan efisiensi membaca.

- Jauhi sifat malas
salah satunya jauhi sifat suka 'Nyontek'.
- Penuhi keiginan sesaat
dalam belajar terkadang keinginan tertentu muncul dalam pemikiran, keingian itu bila tidak dipenuho akan menganggu konsentrasi belajar, dipaksakan juga untuk belajar dengan tidak memenuhi keinginan itu, maka orang tidak dapat berkonsentrasi dengan baik, Oleh karena itu, langkah yang terbaik adalah memenuhi keinginan sesaatagar tidak menganggu konsentrasi belajar. Contoh : menonton tv atau mendengarkan musik.

- Catat keinginan mendatang
keinginan mendatang tidak dapat dipenuhi dalan waktu singkat. Oleh karena itu, keinginan mendatang itu harus dicatat di kertas agar tidak menganggu konsentrasi.

- Catat tugas yang belum selesai
- Jaga kondisi tubuh
- Istirahat jika lelah
- Kosongkan pikiran dari kesan laiinya
- Kuasi bahasa / penguasaan bahasa yang terdapat di dalam buku
for more detail you can also read the book, althought the fist released book was in 2002, maybe that book have been copied for several times and we can still find that book at the book store.

Have a nice dream, see you


Wednesday 14 January 2015

Dasyatnya 7 Sunnah

Rahasia Hidup Berkah, Sukses, dan Bahagia dengan Mengamalkan 7 Sunah Nabi

1.  Menjaga Wudhu
Dengan menjaga wudhu harapannya fisik kita  bersih dari sapuan air, sehingga batin kita merasakan ketenangan. Ketenangan hati lantaran dosa yang terampuni, akan menjadikan hidup lebih semangant berkah, sukses, dan bahagia.

2.      Tahajud dan Witir
Dalam membuka hari harus dengan kesuksesan. Dan kesuksesan dapat diraih ketika mampu bangun sebelum fajar dan menunaikan sholat malam. Inilah saat terbaik untuk “riya” dihadapan-Nya. "Riya" dihadapan allah itu mulia, karena akan memperbanyak pundi - pundi pahala dan mengantarkan pada hidup yang berkah, sukses, dan bahagia. Sebaliknya "riya" dihadapan manusia itu tercela, karena akan menghilangkan pahala dan menjadikan hidup gelisah, gagal, dan sengsara.

3.      Shalat Berjamaah
Shalat berjamaah itu lebih mahal harganya dari dunia seisinya sekalipun.Sekali ketinggalan shalat berjamaah, kita tidak akan menjumpai shalat yang sama keesokan harinya, karena waktu tidak akan pernah berhenti.

4.      Shalat Dhuha
Shalat dhuha sering dikatakan sebagai shalat rezeki.Tetapi jangan sampai tidak mau bekerja memilih jadi pengangguran dengan menjaga shalat dhuha 4 rakaat.Kerjanya shalat dan shalat, tetapi tidak mau berusaha.Shalat dhuha yaitu baik, namun menjadi pengangguran dan enggan berusaha itu tidak dibenarkan.Jangan berharap hujan emas jatuh dari langit.

5.      Tadabur Al-Qur’an
Al-Qur’an adalah sebaik-baik bacaan.Maka memutuskan untukmembaca Al-Qur’an artinya kita memutuskan untuk membaca sebaik-baik tulkisan yang tidak pernah usang dimakan zaman.

6.      Puasa Senin-Kamis
Ada beberapa keuntungan yang didapat dari puasa senin-kamis :
1.      Kita akan bahagia, karena saat amalan dilaporkan, kita berada pada keadaan yang istimewa yakni berpuasa.
2.      Kita akan mendapatkan fasilitas do’a yang tidak dapat ditolak.
3.      Kita akan mendapatkan tubuh yang sehat.
4.      Di akhirat kita dapat memesan baburrayyan, yaitu pintu khusus untuk para pelaku puasa.

7.      Bersedekah
Memberi artinya juga menabung. Bila kita rajin bersedekah, secara nominal harta kita memang berkurang di dunia.Tetapi tabungan kita di akhirat semakin banyak. Dan kebahagiaan hakii adalah saat kita sudah di akhirat,bukan sekedar bahagia di dunia.

Daftar Pustaka:
Al-Ikhwani, Fadlan. 2012. Dasyatnya 7 Sunnah: Rahasia Hidup Berkah, Sukses, dan Bahagia 
        dengan Mengamalkan 7 Sunnah Nabi Saw.  Solo: Ziyad Visi Media.

For more detail, you can read this book :)



Saturday 10 January 2015


Assalamu'alaikum. wr.wb.
Shallow, I just want share what did I do last year. One of them is to be temporary photographers for the art task . Actually, I want learn much about it but I only can use simple photoshop and coreldraw tutorial. Need to improve it, some tutorial maybe I need to remind. Anybody want to teach me ? I welcome it :))))
 And the model is my deskmate in 12th grade, She is a womanpolice in Aceh now.