
Saturday 22 August 2015

Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Annyeonghaseo 😊
Feeling homesick is bad when you must stay long, I am lucky I have friends that know me so mean. So, yesterday my friends went to my house. There were 2 girls and 1 boy. They decided to accompany me buying lot of stuff hehe. But because this is Yogya, let's hang out first. Our destination was Taman Sari. It wasn't far from Malioboro like I thougt first. The ticket price only Rp. 5000. I don't know although we just walked around and take selfie 😆, I felt so happy, I was free just enjoy my trip. Maybe because of the cheerfulness from my beloved mba Amrina, mb Umi, and Bayu. I don't know when will we hang out again. But we hope we can explore Yogya someday with many more friends 👫👬👭👯💁👌👌👌 Aamin

Saturday 15 August 2015

Oseng - Oseng Mercon

Anyeonghaseyo oeni, oppa, chingu😉
On this satnite, I'm still feeling nano nano 😁
This morning I got new friends, so fun. Mulai dr ditusuk jarum smpe menghilangkan rasa takut diwawancara, tasting many kind of food, meet up new seniors from my city.
Let me introduce you to this spesial food
Oseng-Oseng Mercon, there's no spicy level so this is crazy guys. PEDESS BGTSSS. You must try it especially for spicy lovers, but I give up guys, pedes level ak aja ngk smpe segituhnya. So grab yours soon in Yogya city.