
Sunday 9 April 2023

  Isip Story

     It’s been so long since the last time I wrote something in my blog. Hello everyone, I’m Resty Isnaini but currently I miss being called Restyrista. After graduated two years ago in 2021, I work in Buntok city, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, as an internship doctor. Never I imagined I would get a place here. It’s quite far from my hometown. It was a truly long story, I even postponed my internship time before because I didn't get a place in the first bacth, but now I’m about to finish it in less than two months wkwk. At first, I thought it would be easy for me to adapt into a new place with my previous experience, but it turned out to be quite challenges. Forgive me for being a little bit confident hehe.  Perhaps, I previously was in a more varied environment with “Logowo” type people that made me easier to adapt. Thankfully, many things made it possible for me to get  until this phase, Alhamdulillah.

    I want to share some of the interesting things during my isip.  One of the benefits of being intership doctor here is trying their water trasportation, called Ferry/klotok. I usually get on it during Puskesmas Keliling (mobile health services) agendas. This program is performed regularly in villages that do not have a nurse. Okay back to klotok, even though I was actually afraid, it was quite fun and I eventually started to enjoy it. The view is amazing, with a clean and clear sky. Here, I show you.


    The staffs are very kind and supportive. Sometimes there are random things that we can buy in the villages. Next I want to share another memories with Puskesmas squad. InsyaAllah kalo inget :). I also make a highlight of my Isip stories in Instagram

Friday 30 November 2018

Poland Stories

Czes, I’m Resty Isnaini from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.  I am studying medicine in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.  As a third year of  medical student, I’m so grateful, I got an great opportunity to become  a participant in the largest student run exchange program SCOPE-IFMSA.
I joined professional exchange program last summer, in Poland. Poland is one of big countries in Europe. I never expected before that I can stay in this beautiful and comfortable country.  I did my clerkship exchange in  Public Central Teaching Clinical Hospital, Warszawa. Yes, quite lucky enough I studied in modern capital city of Poland which is Warszawa.

Every Monday to Friday we went to hospital by Tram (rail vehicle which has its own track). I was accepted in Cardiothoracic Surgery, it’s called Kardiochirurgia in Polish. I was not the only one exchange student in that department, there was also my Indonesian friend, Nurzahra Vianisa, lucky I was. Together, We’ve been following our supervisor doctor, dr. Adam Arendarczyk lekarz. The doctor was so nice to us, he took us to operation room, let us observe and assist sometime. The most common operations that we met everyday were coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and valve replacement. Those two operation were such long operations that can spend 3-6 hours in every operations. In hospital, I fell like I was in my second home where I can meet amazing, kind and humble peoples. The anesthesiologist who lent me his kingdom to observe  closer to the patient, the grandmother-able nurse who made me a coffee while waiting next operation  and another nurses who helped me pre, during, and post assist operations, the co-assistant student who translated medical record from Polish to English and also the patient who greeted us so nice like our own grandmother. Although, not all of the staffs speak English but they were truly help us in their own way.

In Warszawa, me, three of my Indonesian friends and all of exchange students stayed in dormitory. Being a foreign student in a country which is so far from home was not easy for the first time. But, we survived !. In the first two weeks in Poland, I was still afraid to start conversation since we have different accents but the last two weeks were my favorite. Everyday, after finishing our clerkship, we usually had fun together to enjoy Poland, went to different places, tried traditional foods, and many more. The best thing about exchange experience was not only having such a great  knowledge but also having new peoples who become your family. I’m really thankful for this great time. This exchange experiences will be always remembered for my whole life. Dziekuje Bardzo Poland.

Friday 27 May 2016

Ramayana Ballet

Waw it's so long since I posted my last content.
Okay, just information for you who want enjoy night in Yogya. Ramayana Ballet Purawisata Yogyakarta can be your alternative. Ceritanya bagus 😊😊😊 tapi
#Notes : tidur dulu sebelum nonton karena tampilnya jam 20.00 - 21.30 wib setiap hari

Saturday 16 January 2016

Gimana Kuliah?

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Hi guys, it's been so long I don't post anything. Emang ada yg baca??😲😆
Alasannya ttp sma dgn anak kulihan pada umummnya. Kehidupan anak FK mesti sabar dgn segala macem hiruk pikuknya, cielah kyk apa aja. Banyak sekali yg harus saya pertaruhakan buat sekolah disini. Ketemu sama temen-temen yg luar biasa itu seneng sekali. Semakin banyak belajar semakin ngerasa ilmu kita tuh gk ada apa apanya. First and always bersyukur sekali sm Allah SWT yg telah memberikan kesempatan luar biasa ini. Jujur sempet sedih sekali, harus menunggu 1 tahun untuk ini semua, dan perjuangannya 😢. Mau ngeluh knpa harus disini, knpa harus bayar segini, kita sm gk sih sma anak FK terbaik di Indonesia. Tp balik lg pasti semua ini pnya hikmahnya. Trus temen2 kita tuh berpengaruh bgt dgn kehidupanmu. Kyk gini
*temen yg super cerdas
#bisa gk ya kyk dia, multitalent sekali
*temen yang biasa diem2 menghayutkan
#diem2 MasyaAllah
*temen yg pinter tp males
#pengennya diberi kepinteran plus plus plus jg
*temen yg gk niat atau apalah
#susah diskripsiin
Trs ad 1 lagi nih yg agak nyesek, yg dpt fasilitas dr univ biaya kuliah minim it 😟. Resty sedih sekali kalau mereka gk bisa, sementara perbedaan biaya kita besar, dikasih ke resty jg boleh gk? 😳😳(gk ngerti gpp ya)
Tp mah setiap hari mesti bersyukur, semoga orang tua resty rezekinya berlipat2 jg.
Next post insyaAllah bakalan share kegiatan2 selama smster 1 ini. Ehm mgkn ini bkalan jd cara resty buat mengabadiakan event event selama mahasiswa 😘

Monday 9 November 2015

Hello Exam

Annyeonghaseyo, oh guys I miss how I tell to you what happend to me.
So many stories, from something that I love, I hate and I miss so much.
Begin from my routin activities, yup it' s just the beginning. I'm really thankful Allah give me change to feel, work, think, ets in this faculty. Hi exam I must love you as long as my life !
Become a university again, yeah I feel that but in the different major. Both of them I love  but this faculty is my fav.
So sorry, ceritanya bakalan lompat-lompat. Tp intinya cuma lewat blogger ini bisa curhat ttg apapun tnpa trlalu khawatir ganggu orang.
Jadi gini, menjalani kuliah sebagai anak kesehatan itu menyenangkan, yeah  😄😆😅. Tp namanya baru msh nano-nano rasanya. Mulai dr semangat bgt buat belajar smpe penyakit males it lewat. Kalau udh males nyebelin bgt pokoknya. Doanya semoga kuliahnya lancar buat kalian2 juga guys😘. Uang kuliah lancar, badan sehat, hati senang, ibadah lancar. Aamin

Wednesday 2 September 2015


Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena berkat rahmat-Nya, I can be part of UMY. After a busy week, ehm very busy maybe 😁, yesterday we completed mataf event. Special thanks for my beloved mom and family without them I'm not here. Thanks to our lovely senior from Pharmacy Departement 2014, kak Maya Triani, and other seniors ofcourse. It weren't easy guys, many task from vertex, we must try to find the meaning what they said. But I'm happy, thank you so much to vertexs who are actually kind and humbel peoples but they must acted to be horrifed person to educate us. May Allah SWT pay all of your hard work. Aamin.
Semoga buat maba-maba jd semakin kompak, kuliah yang bener, lulus tepat waktu biar bisa liat senyum orang tua kita lebih lebar 😍. Hope you all happiness, good health, many money hehe to come everyday. Aamin